"This was a story about a girl who could find infinite beauty in anything..."-The Brothers Bloom

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Last 20 Years

 I've been going through everything I own recently trying to decide what to take with me on my upcoming adventure to Prague. I don't ever get rid of anything so it's been a bit overwhelming.  I have cards and letters going back 13 years, every program from every concert or event I've ever sung in or attended, and practically everything I've ever written or drawn.  I also have my brother and sister's artwork and writings. I was going through it all one night last week when I couldn't sleep.  There were so many things that made me smile, so many memories.  My favorite finds were all the notes that we had passed back and forth to each other in church. It reminded me how close we all used to be.  While most of the kids our age sat with their friends during church, we always sat together as a family.  It was nice to have a shoulder on each side of you that you could put your head on.  Everything is so different now.  Each year we seem to grow further apart. My brother is at school in Santa Barbara, my sister is here, and now I'm leaving to Europe for who knows how long...

Anyway, I couldn't sleep so I stayed up all night making a sort of refrigerator collage of all the stuff I'd collected; pictures, cards, drawings, notes.  I hoped it would help everyone to remember all the good times we've had together.


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