"This was a story about a girl who could find infinite beauty in anything..."-The Brothers Bloom

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sega Genesis

Last night we caught a hedgehog. I'm not kidding. We went for a stroll through the woods by the hotel just as it was about to get dark. We were walking up a hill when we saw a little animal up ahead, strolling across the path. We immediately broke into a sprint. "What is it!?!" (We really miss our pets.) It was a cute little hedgehog! Total Beatrix Potter status. It didn't run, just curled into a ball so we wrapped him in my jacket and now he's in my room with some leaves and other plants. His name is Sonic! He kept me up rolling around my room but he finally curled up under my bed. It must have been dusty because I heard him sneeze a few times.


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