"This was a story about a girl who could find infinite beauty in anything..."-The Brothers Bloom

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Praha, London, Heathrow, Prada, Volcano, CALIFORNIA!

My time in the Czech Republic was amazing in so many ways but I am so glad to be home in California. On the day I flew back I had to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to fly from Prague to London and then it was 11 hours from Heathrow to Los Angeles. The flight turned out to be a little longer due to the volcano in Iceland, (why can't Iceland keep their volcanoes in check?) and then at LAX we had to stay on the plane an extra half hour until they could find an open gate for us.  When I finally was able to get off the plane it felt like the end of Inception. I couldn't believe I was finally home in my own country, about to see my family. When the customs guy said, "Welcome home kid," I was so happy! I could almost here Hans Zimmer's score as I walked out into the California sunshine. Even the palm trees seemed happy to see me.

Anyway, I thought Terminal 5 at London Heathrow was awesome! I went around taking pictures of all the amazing stores and displays. I really wanted to buy something to remember England by since I only got to spend two hours there. AND, I wasn't able to watch the Royal Wedding because my hotel room in Prague didn't have a TV.  However, I only had 4 pounds and some pence so I bought a sandwich instead. It was bloody delicious. Not everyone can say they had lunch in England while looking at Burberry's finest goods.

Exquisite things: Erin Fetherston

Monday, May 23, 2011

Playing Favorites-Starting Line

i guess the most that i can do
is make a call and tell you the truth
sing the words in melody
and hope that you'll believe me
here's another song for you
so this one this one makes two
still don't know where to begin
i'll just leave it at this

i'm sure you always feel my eyes on you
but i hope that you will never feel unwanted
wait for me to move out west
it's ok if you don't
i hope you know
you're my favorite thing
about the west coast
i wish i stayed
i hope you wait
so here i am
counting down the days
till california comes


Once Youth

The Paper Heart Girl: Sunday Night Poetry

The Paper Heart Girl: Sunday Night Poetry: "Here's a beautiful and timeless poem because sometimes it's nice to reminded of the bright that's in us all. This poem is dedicated to someo..."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's whatever

The songs from last winter are playing through indifferent speakers, so tonight, I must revisit, those places that exist only in twilight rememberings, lingering still, like a fading bass line pumping from the car that’s already around the corner.
I can’t take the thought that you may have already forgotten me. That the place that was mine has been refilled, so easily, with other concerns, other people who don’t love you like I did once. I wish however fruitlessly that my memory would creep up on you like a nightmarish monster that you can’t outrun. I wish that I could creep into your dream cloud at night and torment your subconsious with recurring accusations so that you’d be afraid to close your eyes at night, you’d wake up every morning with my haunted smiling face lingering on the backs of your eyelids.
Curse my uncommon name! I want you to hear it in movies and tv commercials. I imagine that you would hear a mother call out my name to her child and that a electric stab would pierce you and you’d realize that you wish it was me appearing out of the blue, and you’d wonder if we’ll ever meet again.

Still Searching by Damien Marley

Some girl in the twinkling of an eye
Dem ah ready fi come pull down mi Karl Kani
Oh, come on now tell me how can I
Love ah, one dat really don't deserve me?

Natural fi keep and natural preserve me
Me is ah boy, could get a whole heep ah girl, ya heard me
Many are called but only few deemed worthy
Body have ta physically strong and sturdy

Spiritually balanced fi clean and purge me
Mentally advanced fi always urge me
Read couple books and challenge the clergy
Read a couple psalms up inna the morning early

Could you be so kind then show me a sign
I've been searching and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line

Maybe it's my mind, maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searching for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line

A little child has grown and he's got love on his mind
But what he'll never know a virtuous woman is hard to find
And dat's when she said she feels the pain
And she'll never fall in love again

So if you is a gal with whole heep of value
What a valuable nice and decent gal you
When I get you I'll be glad I got you
Then stand firmly inna your life like statue

Seen some old tings seen some young tings
Seen some little silly go and come tings
Seen some one night just for fun tings
What a indecent piece ah, some ting

Be so kind den show me a sign
I've been searching and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line

Maybe it's my mind, maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searching for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line

Some say that love is blind
But he keep saying, not this time
So all he need is love to keep his heart in line
But dat's when she said, "Lord I feel the pain"
And she'll never fall in love again

You have some gal ah, come 'pon man premises
And ah, fling up the ting that's between di knees
And ah, full up man head with false promises
Oh, dutty bungle please, couldn't want to run that
So fast wid ease been there dun that my main
Squeeze is natural, simply natural

Could you be so kind then show me a sign
I've been searching and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line

Maybe it's my mind, maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searching for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line

A little child has grown and he's got love on his mind
But what he'll never know a virtuous woman is hard to find
'Cause that's when she said she's feeling pain
It seems they have fallen in love again
That's when she said, "Lord I feel the pain"
And now they're standing in love again

So tell me ah, when price tag gone pon annany
Gal ah, love man for Benz and Ferrari
Little one eyed brethren weh name Omari
Couldn't get no loving since him start sell stary

Some girl in the twinkling of an eye
Dem ah ready fi come pull down mi Karl Kani
Oh, come on now tell me how can I
Love ah, one dat really don't deserve me?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


by Foster the People

I'll hold your hand when you are feeling mad at me
When the monsters they wont go,
The windows, they wont close,
I'll pretend to see what you see

How long, I say how long, will you re-live the things that are gone?
The devil's on your back but I know you can shake him off

And every day that you want to waste, that you want to waste, you can
And every day that you want to wake up, that you want to wake, you can
And every day that you want to change, that you want to change, yeah
I'll help you see it through because I just really want to be with you

You know its funny how freedom can make us feel contained
When the muscles in our legs aren't used to all the walking
I know if you could snap both your fingers than you'd escape with me

But in the meantime I'll just wait here and listen to you when you speak, or scream

And every day that you want to waste, that you want to waste, you can
And every day that you want to wake up, that you want to wake, you can
And every day that you want to change, that you want to change, yeah
I'll help you see it through because I just really want to be with you

And every day that you want to waste, that you want to waste, you can
And every day that you want to wake up, that you want to wake, you can
And every day that you want to change, that you want to change, yeah
I'll help you see it through because I just really want to be with you

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's Special Blend!

This morning I decided to have the bohemian cafe experience so I went in search of the perfect one to have breakfast in. First I went into the Kavarna Slavia, a famous cafe across from the Narodni Divadlo (National Theatre) but it didn't feel right. It was one of those places wehre you can't tell if you're supposed to seat yourself or wait for some unsmiling waiter. Plus, I didn't feel like paying an extra 200 crowns for a slightly more cultural experience. So I decided to hold out for something better. I walked further up from the river to Staromestska Namesti but I still hadn't found the right place. I ended up in front of the astronomical clock when I saw it, the perfect place, partially hidden beneath some arches. STARBUCKS! My iced chai tea latte tasted like bittersweet memories but oh so comforting! Besides, who says Starbucks isn't a cultural experience? I felt the culture alright and the culture was American! Even the baristas where nicer than any other place I've been to. That's some American culture right there. We Americans may be arrogant but at least we're friendly. The art on the walls was making me smile too. My favorite thing about Starbucks is that each one has a different look with different art and this one was no exception. It was pretty cool, with a vaulted cathedral ceiling and Frank Sinatra coming through the speakers. 7 days till I go home!

Dnes ráno jsem se rozhodl, že bohémské kavárně zkušenosti, tak jsem šel hledat dokonalý na snídani palců Nejprve jsem šel do Kavarna Slavia, slavná kavárna naproti Národní divadlo (ND), ale necítil vpravo. Byl to jeden z těch míst, wehre nemůžete říct, jestli jste měl místo sebe, nebo počkat na nějaké bez úsměvu číšníka. Plus, jsem neměl pocit, že platí navíc 200 korun za něco více kulturní zážitek. Tak jsem se rozhodl držet se za něco lepšího. Šel jsem se dále od řeky na náměstí Staroměstská ale já jsem ještě nenašla to pravé místo. Skončil jsem v přední části orloje, když jsem to viděl, perfektní místo, částečně skrytá pod některé oblouky. STARBUCKS! Můj ledový čaj chai latte chutnala hořkosladké vzpomínky, ale ach tak uklidňující! Kromě toho, kdo říká, že Starbucks není kulturní zážitek? Cítil jsem v pořádku a kultury s kulturou byl Američan! Dokonce i baristas kde hezčí než jakékoliv jiné místo, kde jsem byl. To je nějaké americké kultury právě tam. My Američané mohou být arogantní, ale alespoň jsme přátelský. umění na stěnách bylo, že mě taky úsměv. Moje oblíbená věc na tom je, že Starbucks každý z nich jiný vzhled s různými umění a tahle nebyla výjimkou. Bylo to docela v pohodě, s klenutým stropem katedrály a Frank Sinatra přicházející přes reproduktory. 7 dny, dokud jsem jít domů!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Maiden

A Maiden

Oh if I were the velvet rose
Upon the red rose vine,
I'd climb to touch his window
And make his casement fine.

And if I were the little bird
That twitters on the tree,
All day I'd sing my love for him
Till he should harken me.

But since I am a maiden
I go with downcast eyes,
And he will never hear the songs
That he has turned to sighs.

And since I am a maiden
My love will never know
That I could kiss him with a mouth
More red than roses blow.

Sara Teasdale

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I love clothes, so shoot me.

The May Free People catalogue is out! I can't afford to buy anything but looking at the pictures gives me ideas.

I saw a black angel...and I lived.

Two Saturday's ago we were walking down the street and we heard music coming from somewhere. We thought there was live music going on or something but then noticed it was coming from a roof where they were filming a music video. It was pretty cool to watch, I just wish I knew what the band was called.

See the black angel?!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Still Fighting

        I don't understand why people are so defensive when it comes to looking at their character flaws. Why wouldn't you want to see yourself as others see you? And if you do something or act in a way that is either hurtful or just not cool, wouldn't you want to change that? But no, if you point out something that was wack (for lack of a better term) you'll get whiplash from the verbal assualt that inevitably ensues. Perhaps most people just don't care about whether they have character or not. If I point out when someone is being a jerk (not just anyone, usually someone I care about, and in a nice way!) it's because I assume they would rather not be one. Maybe I'm wrong. It's not that I think I never do anything wrong or that I never act badly. I grew up in a house that, along with praise and encouragement, made darn sure I was aware of any bad behavior or lack of character in myself. It wasn't to make me feel guilty or bad about myself (though sometimes that's unavoidable I guess), it was for the purpose of instruction; becoming aware so that I would be able to change into a virtuous person. Don't confuse a virtuous person with a "good" person as people are so fond of calling themeselves. Everyone seems to think they are "good" people just because they don't kill people, don't rob stores, and occasionally recycle. Well woop dee do! Newsflash: Most people don't go around busting caps in people or knocking over liqour stores. That's why the people who do murder and steal make the news.
          I'm not content with being that kind of person; the kind that stays away from the crazy bad stuff so to speak, but who is otherwise compeletly self-absorbed. I want to go beyond "good" to become a person who has virtue; who is compassionate, generous, and caring. I'm not saying I have those things down. Sometimes it feels like everyday is a battle, but at least I'm fighting.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Lord knows
how I love to hate
people sometimes.
Do I have good reasons?
Hell ya! (They're just stupid)
Should I love them anyway?
 I guess so.
Because You love them
and You said I should too
so there must be a reason
(a good one; much more than one)
You love me
and I don't even come close
to deserving it either.
I am selfish, incredibly rebellious
(is it prideful to say I'm too proud?)
I want to love what You love
and think about people 
the way that you do.
Numerous are Your good thoughts
toward me, 
more than I could imagine.

Late Afternoon: We all end up in Hollywood

Ah California! Land of my fathers and big ass hamburgers!

Late Afternoon: We all end up in Hollywood: "(cape-Alexander Wang, dress-Shape Shifter c/o NeedSupply ) Reunited with the love of my life, Nick! Nick and I have been friends since my m..."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I love this band, I love this song, I love this video, and I miss California.


Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks from Foster The People on Vimeo.

Monday, May 2, 2011

My life has had such a good soundtrack lately, especially with the beauty of Prague as the setting. It's easy to feel like I'm living in a movie scene.  I've been listening to so many songs; some new, some I've been listening to for months or longer. All of them have such truth revealing lyrics that say things that I either wish I could say or didn't even know I'd been wanting to say. Do you ever just hear a song that reveals some hidden emotion you'd been carrying around but hadn't even admitted it to yourself yet? But you hear those words and they stop you in your tracks. In fact a lot of the stuff I write is inspired by listening to songs that speak to situations I'm in. I listen to the words and then I suddenly find my own. It's so comforting to know that someone out there was able to make music out of emotions that I couldn't put into words. It also means that they've been there too and where able to turn it into art. 
Anyway, I happened to pass by my old Rascall Flatts songs when I was scrolling down to listen to my Czech audio examples. I started listening to "I'm Moving On." I used to love that song but I haven't heard it in forever. I started singing along and my eyes started to tear up a little. (maybe a lot) I remembered how much those words spoke to me when I was much younger and couldn't even understand them as well as I can now.  They mean even more in the here and now, especially the line "... I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong..." 

I've dealt with my ghosts and I've faced all my demons
Finally content with a past I regret
I've found you find strength in your moments of weakness
For once I'm at peace with myself
I have been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long
I'm movin' on

I've lived in this place and I know all the faces
Each one is different but they're always the same
They mean me no harm but it's time that I face it
They'll never allow me to change
But I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong
I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know there's no guarantees, but I'm not alone
There comes a time in everyone's life
When all you can see are the years passing by
And I have made up my mind that those days are gone

I sold what I could and packed what I couldn't
Stopped to fill up on my way out of town
I've loved like I should but lived like I shouldn't
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on
I'm movin' on